The Ember Times - Issue No. 90
هيلو Emberistas! 🐹
This week has been super busy with The Ember Times team reporting from EmberConf 2019 in Portland Oregon! We are sharing highlights from the conference with you 🐹, learn about Ember Octane ⛽️ in a series of blog posts 📖, read and comment on the new Bind Helper RFC 💖💪, and turn {{on}} the power with a new {{On}} Modifier RFC 🔌.
Greetings from EmberConf 2019
This week EmberConf - the biggest, annual Ember conference - took place in Portland, Oregon, United States. Ember developers from all around the world came together to learn more about the newest features of the framework, best practices, case studies and most importantly meet online Ember friends.
Pictured are Jared Galanis, Melanie Sumner, Kenneth Larsen, L. Preston Sego III, Anne-Greeth Van Herwijnen as Zoey(!), Jessica Jordan, Jen Weber, Ryan Mark, Chris Ng, Amy Lam, and Ricardo "locks" Mendes. Not pictured: Robert Wagner, Alon Bukai, Edward Faulkner, Gaurav Munjal, Miguel Braga Gomes, and Sivakumar Kailasam. Many thanks to all of these folks for contributing to three or more issues in the past year! 💛
This year's keynote by Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz featured lots of insight into the present and future of Ember and the official announcement for the Edition Preview of Ember Octane. Wanna learn more about Ember Octane and the original RFC (Request for Comments)? Be sure to check out the Ember Octane Edition website and read all about it!
Also The Ember Times will notify you, as soon as the full recordings of the conference sessions are online, so be sure to stay tuned and if you haven't done so, subscribe today!
Coming Soon in Ember Octane
If you haven't seen them already, you won't want to miss the amazing 🎉 and in-depth blog posts 📖 that @pzuraq has been putting out covering many of the new features of Ember Octane!
It's a five part series covering Native Classes and Decorators, Angle Brackets & Named Arguments, Tracked Properties, Element Modifiers and Glimmer Components, all broken out into separate blog posts.
Find all the parts at the Ember.js Blog: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5.
✨ Bonus ✨ also checkout a recent interview of @pzuraq on the EmberMap podcast, where he discusses many of these topics with the EmberMap crew.
Bind Helper RFC 💖💪
Fresh off EmberConf, @rtablada opened a new RFC that introduces a new helper bind
to allow clear argument and context scope binding for functions passed in templates.
The idea is for the bind
helper to take in a function and then the set of arguments that will be partially applied to the function, similar to the JavaScript bind method.
Check out the full RFC on GitHub!
Power {{On}} your Ember App! 🔌
A new RFC has been proposed by @pzuraq that proposes adding a new {{on}}
modifier to Ember. This modifier will allow adding event listeners to elements in your templates.
You might be thinking, "Hey Ember Times Writer, we already have those! We have the {{action}}
element modifier and on*=
property bindings." However those have a few downsides that are fixed with the {{on}}
The {{on}}
modifier will explicitly add event listeners using the addEventListener
API. It is based on the addon ember-on-modifier by @buschtoens.
An example: The following usages are equivalent:
<div ></div>
element.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick, { passive: true });
So get your modify on today and make your voice heard on the open RFC.
Contributors' Corner 👏
This week we'd like to thank @chancancode, @shawnren, @locks, @habdelra, @DingoEatingFuzz, @rwjblue, @mschinis, @HeroicEric, @gabz75, @robustdj, @GavinJoyce, @amyrlam, @NullVoxPopuli, @toddjordan, @wycats, @MelSumner, @dherault, @acorncom, @courajs, @ultrasaurus, @Charizard, @richard-viney, @mansona, @mixonic, @mike-north, @pzuraq and @rbarbey for their contributions to Ember and related repositories! 💖
Got a Question? Ask Readers' Questions! 🤓

Wondering about something related to Ember, Ember Data, Glimmer, or addons in the Ember ecosystem, but don't know where to ask? Readers’ Questions are just for you!
Submit your own short and sweet question under And don’t worry, there are no silly questions, we appreciate them all - promise! 🤞
#embertimes 📰
Want to write for the Ember Times? Have a suggestion for next week's issue? Join us at #support-ember-times on the Ember Community Discord or ping us @embertimes on Twitter.
Keep on top of what's been going on in Emberland this week by subscribing to our e-mail newsletter! You can also find our posts on the Ember blog.
That's another wrap! ✨
Be kind,
Chris Ng, Jessica Jordan, Kenneth Larsen, Amy Lam, Alon Bukai, Jared Galanis, and the Learning Team