The Ember Times - Issue No. 58
Xin chào Emberistas! 🐹
Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.
This time we have a call-to-action to shape the future of the new Ember homepage 🎨👩🎨 for you, as well as a brand-new RFC for the Ember CLI Docs 📖, important accessibility updates for ember-toggle 🔘 and a special thank you note for some of our dedicated contributors ✨
The Quest for Better Documentation
There’s a brand new RFC (Request for Comments) for restructuring and refreshing the Ember CLI docs. Jen Weber prepared a great overview of what needs to change to improve Ember CLI documentation. This is especially important since these changes could empower new contributors, correct outdated information and make the learning process way easier.
Besides a restructure of the information architecture, Jen proposes to use personas as a way of understanding what changes are needed, as well as transforming the site into an Ember app.
Community feedback is as always appreciated. Head over to the proposal and leave your comments below.
Ember Homepage Survey
We're redesigning and we need your help.
We want to find out what makes you continue to use Ember in a world full of alternatives, so we can better communicate Ember's value proposition to others who might find similar success.
By taking a few minutes to answer these questions, you can help influence the messaging behind Ember's future homepage and any other marketing materials we create.
Ember-Toggle Updated 🛠
The accessibilty on ember-toggle has stepped up.
According to its changelog, the new version 5.3.0 was released last Tuesday, making it possible to use the spacebar to change the state of the toggle once highlighted.
Awesome news! We love Ember addons. 🐹 ❤️ 📦
A Special Thank You For All Your Efforts 🙇

Even though we're already trying to highlight the amazing and consistent efforts of community contributors in our weekly Contributors' Corner, we'd like to take the time to say a special thank you to a couple of ambitious contributors to learning resources specifically:
We're grateful for all the outstanding contributions @hakilebara made to learning resources recently. This included a from-the-scratch setup of the ember-styleguide docs and improvements to the offical Guides.
We also appreciate all the efforts by @sivakumar-kailasam and @toddjordan to fix missing modules, upgrade and improve the Ember API Docs these days (1, 2, 3).
Thank you for all your work! ❤️
Contributors' Corner
This week we'd like to thank @smfoote, @chadhietala, @nlfurniss, @kennethlarsen, @ryanto, @Mi6u3l, @jessica-jordan, @jelhan, @amyrlam, @tylerturdenpants, @dcyriller, @rwwagner90, @teddyzeenny, @Bestra, @nummi, @tmquinn, @ggayowsky, @twokul, @leobugoni, @kanongil, @rwjblue, @stefanpenner, @scalvert, @miguelcobain, @jrowlingson, @savvymas, @chilicoder, @acorncom, @cspanring, @jenweber, @matthewjramos and @maciej-ka for their contributions to Ember and related repositories! 💕
Got a question? Ask Readers' Questions! 🤓

Wondering about something related to Ember, Ember Data, Glimmer, or addons in the Ember ecosystem, but don't know where to ask? Readers’ Questions are just for you!
Submit your own short and sweet question under And don’t worry, there are no silly questions, we appreciate them all - promise! 🤞
The Ember Times is What We Make It 🙌
The Ember Times is a weekly news editorial featuring all the new things that are going on in Emberland.
Follow us on Twitter via @embertimes to get notified when the next edition is out and subscribe to our e-mail newsletter to get The Ember Times right to your inbox.
And if you've always wanted to be an OSS journalist yourself, drop by #topic-embertimes on the Ember Community Slack chat and write the next edition of the Ember Times together with us!
That's another wrap! ✨
Be kind,
Ryan Toronto, Miguel Braga Gomes, Amy Lam, Ryan Mark, Kenneth Larsen, Jessica Jordan and the Learning Team