The Ember Times - Issue No. 56
Ia orana Emberistas! 🐹
Read either on the Ember blog or in our e-mail newsletter what has been going on in Emberland this week.
Learn more about lazily loaded dependencies with ember-auto-import ✨, the latest update of Ember in TodoMVC, the obligatory "Hello World" example for JavaScript libraries 📝, and the latest Ember 3.3 release ⬆️. Be sure to also join us on a tour 🚌 through recent RFCs (Request for Comments) proposing features that will land in an Ember app near you soon! 🚀
Got Dependencies? 📦
We’ve previously highlighted the great ember-auto-import
by the wizardly Edward Faulkner🌟 as a way to import npm packages into your Ember app. With the latest update, it got way cooler.
As he demonstrates in this nice screencast, with v1.2.0 you can now lazy load dependencies via import()
! The dynamic import()
will load the dependency as well as all its recursive dependencies via a separate JavaScript file at runtime. That’s really awesome.
To get started, watch the screencast or dive into the documentation.
TodoMVC Ember.js Update ✨
Last week, @mixonic was looking for a helping hand to contribute to the TodoMVC Ember.js update. The PR is now merged and the bump to Ember 3.2 was a success. A big thank you from the community to @zoltan-nz and everyone involved.
TodoMVC helps you decide what MV* framework to use for your projects by providing the classic todo app built in a number of different frameworks and therefore exposing each frameworks' capabilities.
We all know which one is our favorite…🐹, so why not stop by and see it in action at, or maybe become a contributor yourself.
Have fun with the "Speed-dating of MV" frameworks"!
On the Heels of 3.2: Ember 3.3 Released 🎉
Although you might remember a not too far away, previous 3.2 release, this week the latest 3.3 releases of Ember.js, Ember CLI and Ember Data have been published. This will guarantee that the publishing of Ember.js in particular stays in sync with the planned schedule of the overall release cycle.
The new minor release of Ember.js includes several new deprecations that you shouldn't miss to make your Ember app ready for the future! ⏰ Read more about these and other details of the 3.3 release in the official release blog post.
RFC Roundup with @rwjblue
The Ember Weekend podcast is back on the mic! Want to hear more about some recent RFCs? @rwjblue discusses RFC #276: Named Arguments Syntax (@foo
), RFC #213: Custom Components API, and RFC #311: Introduce <AngleBracketInvocationSyntax />
in the latest episode. Entertaining and informative! TIL rest parameters are also known as "splatributes". Subscribe to Ember Weekend here on iTunes. 🎙
Contributors' Corner
This week a warm thank you goes out to @kategengler, @krisselden, @ef4, @bekzod, @Mi6u3l, @kennethlarsen, @amyrlam, @MelSumner, @jessica-jordan, @tylerturdenpants, @Alonski, @Gabbyjose, @bmac, @jelhan, @kellyselden, @2hu12 and @oligriffiths for their contributions to Ember and related repositories! 💕
Got a question? Ask Readers' Questions! 🤓

Wondering about something related to Ember, Ember Data, Glimmer, or addons in the Ember ecosystem, but don't know where to ask? Readers’ Questions are just for you!
Submit your own short and sweet question under And don’t worry, there are no silly questions, we appreciate them all - promise! 🤞
Have a suggestion for next week's Ember Times? Want to write for us? Pop into #topic-embertimes on the Ember Community Slack or ping us @embertimes on Twitter.
That's another wrap! ✨
Be kind,
Kenneth Larsen, Amy Lam, Miguel Braga Gomes, Ryan Mark, Jessica Jordan, Alon Bukai and the Learning Team