The Ember Times - Issue No. 180
👋 Emberistas! 🐹
Ember's 10 year anniversary, Prettier for Handlebars support, Embroider in 3.5 weeks, GAAD pledge, quickstart to authentication, built with Ember: Fleetbase, and new and shiny add-ons ✨
Happy 10 year anniversary, Ember.js! 🎉

Many thanks to Natasha Fel and Andrey Fel (@andreyfel) for sharing their photos from Ember Nizhny Novgorod's Meetup, which featured a celebratory Nizhny Novgorod Tomster cake for Ember's big anniversary! Check out more photos from the meetup here.
Prettier for Handlebars support 🙌
Prettier can now officially format HTML templates with Handlebars (HBS) in the newly released version 2.3.0. Thank you to Cyrille David (@dcyriller) for pushing this initiative, which started in 2017, through the finish line.
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and reprinting it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary. This removes all bikeshedding on what rules we should have or shouldn’t have and instead provides one standard for everyone to use by default.
In order to keep your project aligned with Prettier’s formatting we can use the Ember Template Lint plugin: ember-template-lint-plugin-prettier. This plugin defines a single rule that rule will compare your code with Prettier's output.
So try it out today by using the glimmer parser for Prettier!
Embroider: from zero to route splitting in 3.5 weeks 📝
If you have been part of the Ember community for a while now and have read The Ember Times' last issue, you have probably heard about Embroider. This project is currently at version 0.41.0 and usable in Ember projects.
Ben Demboski (@bendemboski) wrote this blog about how he implemented Embroider in a commercial, ember-electron
Ben's blog post explains in detail the app and the process used to make the app use Embroider. All the hard things he ran into, such as ES6 module compliance and third-party add-ons. Luckily, after 3.5 weeks, Ben achieved tree-shaking and code splitting across routes. So if you want to start taking advantage of what Embroider has to offer, this post is a great place to start.
If you read the blog, start with this project yourself and look for a place to get more help, check out the #dev-embroider
channel on Ember.JS Discord.
Ember takes the GAAD Pledge 😍
Melanie Sumner (@MelSumner) authored a blog post in conjuction with this week's Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) to announce that Ember has taken the GAAD pledge to make accessibility a core value of our framework.
Be sure to read the post to learn more about what Ember has done so far in its efforts for “accessibility by default” , what accessibilty-related work is in the pipeline, and how you can get involved if you're interesting in contributing to Ember a11y efforts!
Ember Simple Auth video 📽
Are you looking for a friendly, step by step guide to adding authentication to your Ember app? Look no further than the Ember Simple Auth Quickstart video published by Simplabs. This video provides helpful introduction to this popular authentication/authorization Ember addon. Marco Otte-Witte (@marcoow) explains this tricky part of app development using the latest Ember Octane syntax.
Built with Ember: Fleetbase 🚀
Fleetbase is a new logistics platform built with Ember by co-founders Ronald A. Richardson (@roncodes) and Shiv Thakker (@shivthakker). Fleetbase is an API-first logistics platform for developers and businesses. Customers can design, build, customize and control their logistics operations and experience using their APIs and console. Based in Singapore, Fleetbase has a mission to tech enable traditional businesses.
Check out Fleetbase on ProductHunt!
New shiny addons ✨
The Ember addon ecosystem is always expanding and we love to keep you up to date with all of them. So here is a summarized list of the latest addons made by the community for the community.
- ember-bem-helpers: BEM helpers for Ember.js applications
- ember-breadcrumb-trail: Minimalistic but very flexible breadcrumb management solution for Ember applications.
- ember-url-hash-polyfill: Support for in/inter page linking / scrolling with hashes in EmberJS
- ember-cli-custom-properties: Adds support for CSS custom properties (variables) to components
- ember-statechart-component: Statecharts as components. No classes. Pure declarative state transitions.
- ember-command: An implementation of the command design pattern for #emberjs
Contributors' corner 👏
This week we'd like to thank Chris Garrett (@pzuraq), Bryan Mishkin (@bmish), Lucy Lin (@lin-ll), Robert Jackson (@rwjblue), @bgantzler, Andrew Kirwin (@amk221), Tim (@fozy81), Tyler (@runnerboy22), Tom Chen (@thomascchen), _pvy (@prasannavijayan), Steven Pham (@spham92), Chris Manson (@mansona), Ricardo Mendes (@locks), Chris Ng (@chrisrng), Jen Weber (@jenweber), Daniel Múnera Sánchez (@dmuneras), Hanna (she/her) (@hannakim91), Scott Newcomer (@snewcomer), Amy Lam (@amyrlam), Robert Wagner (@rwwagner90), Melanie Sumner (@MelSumner), Nathaniel Furniss (@nlfurniss), Chirag Patel (@chiragpat), Luke Melia (@lukemelia), David Baker (@acorncom), Godfrey Chan (@chancancode), Luc Boissaye (@ombr), Brenden Palmer (@brendenpalmer), Isaac Lee (@ijlee2), Chris Thoburn (@runspired), Sylvain MINA (@sly7-7), Anne-Greeth van Herwijnen (@MinThaMie), Igor Terzic (@igorT), Steve Calvert (@scalvert), Daniel Jalkut (@danielpunkass), Fardeen Panjwani (@wise-introvert), and Jonas Metzener (@anehx) for their contributions to Ember and related repositories! 💖
Connect with us 🤓

Wondering about something related to Ember, Ember Data, Glimmer, or addons in the Ember ecosystem, but don't know where to ask? Readers’ Questions are just for you!
Submit your own short and sweet question under And don’t worry, there are no silly questions, we appreciate them all - promise! 🤞
Want to write for the Ember Times? Have a suggestion for next week's issue? Join us at #support-ember-times on the Ember Community Discord or ping us @embertimes on Twitter.
Keep on top of what's been going on in Emberland this week by subscribing to our e-mail newsletter! You can also find our posts on the Ember blog. See you in two weeks!
That's another wrap! ✨
Be kind,
Tim Foster, Chris Ng, Anne-Greeth van Herwijnen, Amy Lam, and the Learning Team