The Ember Times - Issue No. 177
👋 Emberistas! 🐹
EmberConf videos, virtual Ember Meetups, achieving a11y automation testing, and serverless functions in Ember and Glimmer.
Virtual EmberConf 2021 🔥 📼
Heyo! Did you miss out on Virtual EmberConf 2021? Did you see some talks, but missed others? Did you watch all of the content, but want to re-watch things!? 👀 Fear not, the suite of full conference talks can now be found online now as individual videos.
If you didn't get a chance to see them, you shouldn't miss the Keynote Part 1 and Keynote Part 2 by none other than our own Yehuda Katz (@wycats) and Godfrey Chan (@chancancode).
Also not to be missed are talks by Chris Garrett (@pzuraq) on template imports, and a stunning talk on building robust and reliable software by Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho).
There was also a beautiful and inspiring 💖 talk about Learning Ember in 2021 by Lenora Porter (@lenoraporter).
For sure, whatever you do, do not miss the absolutely mind blowing 🤯 closing keynote by Edward Faulkner (@ef4) about the future of build tooling, Mho.
Really, all of the talks were quite ✨✨ amazing ✨✨ and if you have not seen them you should go check them out when you can. A big thank you to all the speakers at Virtual Ember Conf 2021!!! 🧡💛💜💙💚
If you're interested in some great notes about the talks you can find Alex DiLiberto's (@alexdiliberto) notes here.
There's also plenty of official and unofficial bonus content out there, including:
- An unofficial TypeScript AMA with Chris Krycho (@chriskrycho) and David Baker (@acorncom)
- Another look at Mho with Edward Faulkner (@ef4) and Aaron Sikes (@courajs)
- Typed Ember extends Confidence blog series, which translates the talk to prose, plus some bonus content that couldn't fit in the conference talk! Be sure to check out all three posts by Krystan HuffMenne: Part 1: What is TypeScript?, Part 2: Converting Your Ember App to TypeScript, and Part 3: The Real Benefits of TypeScript
Don't miss it, friends!
Virtual Ember meetups 🧑💻
Have you been missing attending your local Ember meetup during the pandemic? Well you're in luck, there are a couple of virtual Ember meetups happening next week that you can attend!
If you've been wanting to learn more about what the Fastboot team is up to, you may want to check out the online event occurring on April 14th. There will be some great talks by members of Fastboot team, including appearances by Dave Laird (@kiwiupover), Suchita Doshi (@suchitadoshi1987), Thomas Wang (@xg-wang) and Scott Newcomer (@snewcomer).
Haven't had your fill yet? The next day, April 15th, you can come visit with Emberistas and Embereños from Los Angeles, and far and wide, for some more good Fastboot content, as well as discussions on modifiers and components at the Ember LA Meetup!
Achieving a11y automation testing 🎥
If you're looking for some content in the wider JavaScript community beyond EmberConf, you can checkout the fantastic talk by Ava Gaiety Wroten (@hergaiety) at TestJS Summit covering a11y automated testing! 🔥🔥🔥
The talk covers not only what Ember does for accessibility in testing, but also highlights some approaches and tools you can use for making automation a11y focused in other frameworks.
Serverless functions in Ember and Glimmer 💯
After using API Routes in Next.js, Jared Galanis (@jaredgalanis) explored bringing the same functionality to Ember and Glimmer. Next's API routes are essentially node functions that deploy as serverless lambdas. They can provide a place to write a GraphQL endpoint, serve as a gateway to other APIs, or serve as a full-fledged backend that talks to a persistence layer.
The article walks through the setup of serverless functions in both Ember and Glimmer, using Netlify or Vercel. Check out Jared's blog post for Ship Shape, Serverless Functions in Ember and Glimmer and try it out yourself for some developer experience gains on the frontend!
Contributors' corner 👏
This week we'd like to thank Ava Gaiety Wroten (@hergaiety), Jen Weber (@jenweber), Chris Manson (@mansona), Ralph Mack (@lupestro), David Baker (@acorncom), Jared Galanis (@jaredgalanis), Nicholas Eidler (@nickeidler), Raido Kuli (@raido), Chris Ng (@chrisrng), Robert Jackson (@rwjblue), Godfrey Chan (@chancancode), Paulo Fernandes (@pernambucano), Afzal Syed (@afzal273), Chad Hietala (@chadhietala), Mateus Valgueiro (@Valgueiro), Kevin R (@theklr), Amy Lam (@amyrlam), Kiera Thomasson (@Krashaune), Thomas Wang (@xg-wang), Angel Concepcion (@Angel-gc), Simon Ihmig (@simonihmig), Bryan Mishkin (@bmish), @ejfian-2020, @sandstrom, Milind Alvares (@milindalvares), Piotrek Bator (@piotrekbator), Sean Devine (@barelyknown), @DanaKirsh, Marissa Wood (@MarissaWood), Anne-Greeth van Herwijnen (@MinThaMie), Hank Majoros (@hmajoros), Ryunosuke Sato (@tricknotes), @ziw, @vivasconcelos, Isaac Lee (@ijlee2), Katie Gengler (@kategengler), Esquith Allen (@esquith), @benjahur, Matthew Miller (@mamiller93), and Scott Newcomer (@snewcomer) for their contributions to Ember and related repositories! 💖
Connect with us 🤓

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Keep on top of what's been going on in Emberland this week by subscribing to our e-mail newsletter! You can also find our posts on the Ember blog. See you in two weeks!
That's another wrap! ✨
Be kind,
Jared Galanis, Amy Lam, and the Learning Team