Ember 3.2 Released

Today the Ember project is releasing version 3.2.0 of Ember.js, Ember Data, and Ember CLI- a little later than planned, for sure! Thank you for your support and patience.

This release kicks off the 3.3 beta cycle for all sub-projects. We encourage our community (especially addon authors) to help test these beta builds and report any bugs before they are published as a final release in six weeks' time. The ember-try addon is a great way to continuously test your projects against the latest Ember releases.

You can read more about our general release process here:

Note that we didn't include 3.3 beta features in this blog post, mostly because we were so focused on getting 3.2 out the door, and had to prioritize. Thank you for understanding!


Ember.js is the core framework for building ambitious web applications.

Changes in Ember.js 3.2

Ember.js 3.2 is an incremental, backwards compatible release of Ember with bugfixes, performance improvements, and minor deprecations. There is one (1) new feature and three (3) deprecations in this version.

New Features (1)

Block let template helper (1 of 1)

The new let template helper makes it possible to create new bindings in templates. It is like with but without the conditional rendering of the block depending on values passed to the block.

Let's say we need to capitalize the first name and last name in our template. We could do something like this:

Welcome back {{concat (capitalize person.firstName) ' ' (capitalize person.lastName)}}

Account Details:
First Name: {{capitalize person.firstName}}
Last Name: {{capitalize person.lastName}}

This could result in an error since we have to keep track of this throughout the template. Thankfully, this is now easier with the let helper:

{{#let (capitalize person.firstName) (capitalize person.lastName)
  as |firstName lastName|
  Welcome back {{concat firstName ' ' lastName}}

  Account Details:
  First Name: {{firstName}}
  Last Name: {{lastName}}

Now you can use firstName and lastName inside the let block with the comfort of knowing that the logic is in a single place. This is a neat way of introducing bindings in your templates without making them properties on the controller or component.

What is important to know about the let helper is that it only works as a block helper. This means that you cannot do something like this:

  firstName=(capitalize person.firstName)
  lastName=(capitalize person.lastName)

Deprecations (3)

Deprecations are added to Ember.js when an API will be removed at a later date. Each deprecation has an entry in the deprecation guide describing the migration path to a more stable API. Deprecated public APIs are not removed until a major release of the framework.

Consider using the ember-cli-deprecation-workflow addon if you would like to upgrade your application without immediately addressing deprecations.

Use of Ember.Logger (1 of 3)

Use of Ember.Logger is deprecated. You should replace any calls to Ember.Logger with calls to console.

In Microsoft Edge and IE11, uses of console beyond calling its methods may require more subtle changes than only substituting console wherever Logger appears. In these browsers, they will behave as they do in other browsers when the development tools are open.

But, when run normally, calls to its methods must not be bound to anything other than the console object. If not, you will receive an Invalid calling object exception. This is a known inconsistency with these browsers.

To avoid this, transform this:

var print = Logger.log; // assigning method to variable

into this:

// assigning method bound to console to variable
var print = console.log.bind(console);

Also, transform any of the following:

Logger.info.apply(undefined, arguments); // or
Logger.info.apply(null, arguments); // or
Logger.info.apply(this, arguments); // or

into this:

console.info.apply(console, arguments);

Finally, because node versions before version 9 don't support console.debug, you may want to transform the following:


into this:

if (console.debug) {
} else {

Note for Add-on Authors - If your add-on needs to support both Ember 2.x and Ember 3.x clients, you will need to test for the existence of console before calling its methods. If you do much logging, you may find it convenient to define your own wrapper. Writing the wrapper as a service will provide for dependency injection by tests and perhaps even clients.

Private API Router#router renamed (2 of 3)

In order to avoid collisions with user-defined properties or methods, the Router#router private API has been renamed to Router#_router. If you want access to the router, you should inject the router service into the route like this:

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Route.extend({
  router: service()
Define computed properties with defineProperty (3 of 3)

Use defineProperty (via import { defineProperty } from '@ember/object';) to define computed properties. Although uncommon, it is possible to assign computed properties directly to objects. This way they are implicitly computed from things like Ember.get. Assigning computed properties directly is deprecated to support ES5 getter computed properties, and you should replace these assignments with calls to defineProperty.

For example, the following:

import { computed, get } from '@ember/object';
let object = {};
object.key = computed(() => 'value');
get(object, 'key') === 'value';

Should be changed to this:

import { computed, defineProperty, get } from '@ember/object';
let object = {};
defineProperty(object, 'key', computed(() => 'value'));
get(object, 'key') === 'value';

For more details on changes in Ember.js 3.2, please review the Ember.js 3.2.0 release page.

Ember Data

Ember Data is the official data persistence library for Ember.js applications.

Changes in Ember Data 3.2

There are four (4) new features and zero (0) deprecations in the Ember Data 3.2 release.

New Features (4)

Lazy Relationship Payloads (1 of 4)

In Ember Data 2.14 lazy-relationship parsing was introduced. Because this parsing used left-side/right-side keying, this meant it was not compatible with polymorphic relationships.

With Ember Data 3.2 this is now fixed.

Ember Data Feature Flag Removal (2 of 4)

The current feature flags for Ember Data have gone stale, therefore they are all removed in Ember Data 3.2. Ember Data is going to attempt to go in a different direction with some of the planned changes for 2018.

If your app depends on enabling these feature flags to run, please reach out to the Ember Data team by opening a github issue on the Ember Data repo and the Ember Data team will try to assist with the transition.

Feature Flag ds-improved-ajax (3 of 4)

The Ember Data team has released an addon that will support the ds-improved-ajax API.

Feature Flag ds-pushpayload-return (4 of 4)

If you rely on the ds-pushpayload-return feature flag, you can use the following pattern to manually serialize the API response and push the record into the store.

export function pushPayload(store, modelName, rawPayload) {
   let ModelClass = store.modelFor(modelName);
   let serializer = store.serializerFor(modelName);

   let jsonApiPayload = serializer.normalizeResponse(store, ModelClass, rawPayload, null, 'query');

  return store.push(jsonApiPayload);
// Before
this.get('store').pushPayload(modelName, rawPayload);

// After
import { pushPayload } from '<app-name>/utils/push-payload';

pushPayload(this.get('store'), modelName, rawPayload);

Deprecations (0)

There are no deprecations introduced in Ember Data 3.2.

For more details on changes in Ember Data 3.2, please review the Ember Data 3.2.0 release page.

Ember CLI

Ember CLI is the command line interface for managing and packaging Ember.js applications.

Upgrading Ember CLI

You may upgrade Ember CLI separately from Ember.js and Ember Data! To upgrade your projects using yarn run:

yarn upgrade ember-cli

To upgrade your projects using npm run:

npm install --save-dev ember-cli

After running the upgrade command run ember init inside of the project directory to apply the blueprint changes. You can preview those changes for applications and addons.

Changes in Ember CLI 3.2

There are two (2) new features and one (1) deprecation in the Ember CLI 3.2 release.

New Features and Updates (2)

qunit-dom (1 of 2)

In order to make DOM assertions more readable, the qunit-dom dependency will be added by default to all apps and addons. Opt out by removing it from your package.json file. See https://github.com/simplabs/qunit-dom-codemod to ease migration.

This code:

assert.equal(this.element.querySelector('.title').textContent.trim(), 'Hello World!');

becomes this:

assert.dom('.title').hasText('Hello World!');
Update ember-cli-qunit dependency (2 of 2)

When upgrading an Ember 2.18 app to Ember 3.0, the version of ember-cli-qunit was not updated from ^4.1.1. If there was already a package lockfile, then the version of it wouldn't be updated, making the find() helper unavailable in the Ember 3.0 style of testing. This has now been updated in the blueprint package.json to ^4.3.2, to ensure that find() will be available in upgraded projects. It should be noted that this problem doesn't occur for newly-created projects or for projects that don't have an NPM or Yarn package lockfile, because the version constraint ^4.1.1 will pull down 4.3.2 or newer.

Deprecations (1)

ember-cli-babel 5 (1 of 1)

This release of Ember CLI deprecates ember-cli-babel 5.x. Babel 6 support has been out for a long time now and works quite well. Babel 5 support is deprecated and is expected to be dropped soon.

There were some other bug fixes in this version release that were not included in this blog post. For more details on the changes in Ember CLI 3.2.0 and detailed upgrade instructions, please review the Ember CLI 3.2.0 release page.

Thank you to @rwjblue, @Turbo87, @ef4, @CodingItWrong, @kellyselden, @stefanpenner, @dnachev, and @twokul for your incredible work on ember-cli!

For more details on the changes in Ember CLI 3.2 and detailed upgrade instructions, please review the Ember CLI 3.2.0 release page.

Thank You!

As a community-driven open-source project with an ambitious scope, each of these releases serve as a reminder that the Ember project would not have been possible without your continued support. We are extremely grateful to our contributors for their efforts.