Ember.js 1.8.0 and 1.9 Beta Released

– By Matthew Beale

We are pleased to announce that both Ember.js 1.8.0 and the first beta in the 1.9 series have been released. This comes as the eighth cycle of our release process that began after 1.0 was released.

This release represents the effort of at least 40 contributors across over 600 commits.

Major rendering-layer refactor ("metal-views")

In previous versions of Ember.js, the HTML of a page was created (via Handlebars) and assembled (via the render tree) using string concatenation. In Ember.js 1.8, fragments of a page are still created (via Handlebars) as strings, but are then parsed into DOM and assembled as a DOM tree.

Metal-views is the first part of the HTMLBars effort to land in Ember. It is an important step towards the complete removal of strings from the Ember.js rendering pipeline.

Introducing HTMLBars into Ember incrementally demonstrates the community's commitment to semantic versioning, and to improving the framework without abandoning existing codebases.

Some of the immediate benefits of this refactor are:

  • The removal of recursion from the rendering layer. This decreases garbage collection pressure during rendering and allows the re-use of objects during render (for example, the render buffer).
  • Improved HTML namespace and contextual element tracking. This introduces support for components, data-binding, and logic within inline SVG documents. Example JSBin
  • Prior versions of Ember.js relied upon script tags to mark regions of data bound content. For example, a template that has {{name}} might be rendered into the page as:
<script id="metamorph-1-start" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
<script id="metamorph-1-end" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>

These script tags could interfere with :first-child and other CSS selectors, and were a general nuisance. In Ember.js 1.8 the library powering these bindings (metamorph.js) has been replaced with a completely re-written engine that uses blank text nodes (morph.js). One of the major touted benefits of HTMLBars, the Ember team is happy to make this a reality in 1.8.

Many thanks to @krisselden, @ebryn, @mmun, @mixonic, and all developers who took time to test their applications on 1.8 beta. Delivering this update without breaking 1.x API compatibility took a significant community effort.

Performance Improvements

Ember.js 1.8 comes with several performance improvements in other parts of the codebase.

  • Ember.js APIs often require the use of a string to lookup a class or route. Often these strings must be passed through a normalization step before they are used, such as pluralizing, singularizing, or changing snake_case to camelCase. 1.8 introduces several caches for these operations, resulting in common operations being performed far fewer times.
  • The refactoring of commonly de-optimized functions in v8 and other browsers.
  • The conversion of MANDATORY_SETTER from a runtime flag into a build-time feature flag. This allows relevant code paths in get and set to be slimmer in production builds.

Thanks to @stefanpenner and @twokul for their continued efforts on performance tuning.

Notable Deprecations

As Ember.js moves forward, various APIs are deprecated to allow for their removal in a later major release (such as 2.0). With this release a deprecations page has been added to the Ember.js website. This guide will help developers refactor their code away from old APIs.

Four notable deprecations are added with the release of 1.8.

  • Ember.Set is a class for managing an unordered collection of objects (api docs). It is a private API and thus subject to change, however several libraries have chosen to use it despite this. Since the addition of this API to Ember, the ES6 draft has matured in its description of a native JavaScript Set class. Ember.Set is not compatible with the upcoming API, and is now deprecated.
  • In an effort to more closely align Ember.Map with ES6, the remove method has been deprecated in favor of delete.
  • The currentWhen property on links is deprecated in favor of current-when. This property name more closely tracks how component properties will be used in the future.
  • Old versions of Ember.js, the guides, and the API documentation suggested looking up views as globals. For example {{view App.SomeView}}. In Ember.js 1.8 this style of view lookup is deprecated in favor of using a string, similar to how other class lookups behave in Ember. See this page for details about transitioning away from global view lookups.
  • URLs containing a hash and no /, such as /foo#bar are handled by the router's hash location handler. When using the auto location handler, the presence of # will cause the hash handler to be chosen over the history handlers, despite the lack of a leading / in the path (for example /foo#/bar. This makes using anchors with the history handler impossible. Ember.js 1.9 will correct this bug, and in 1.8 a deprecation is raised.

Breaking Changes

Ember.js strives to maintain strict API compatibility across minor releases. In cases of API inconsistency or where behavior is unspecified, breaking changes may be introduced to resolve the issue. Additionally, deprecated APIs may be removed if they were from a previous major release (such as pre-1.0 deprecations).

In this release there are several small breaking changes that may impact your application.

  • didInsertElement is now always called on a child view before it is called on a rendering parent view. In previous releases of Ember.js didInsertElement would often be called first on a parent view, however this behavior was inconsistent. In general, developers are encouraged to consider scheduling work into the afterRender queue if it includes accessing DOM not immediately under that view's control.
  • Actions defined directly on the controller object and not in the actions: hash have been deprecated since Ember.js 1.0. In Ember.js 1.8 support for those actions has been removed.
  • Ember.Map has been tweaked to more closely match the ES6 spec for Map. The forEach callback now takes value,key,map as arguments. Previously it was passed key,value. This API is private, but several libraries have chosen to use it despite this. Ember-Data now includes a polyfill. Ember.OrderedSet, a super class of Ember.Map, has also had minor ES6 cleanups applied. to allow consistent usage across the pre-1.8 and 1.8 API.
  • Ember.js has long had an run-time flag called MANDATORY_SETTER. With this flag enabled, attempts to set an observed object property without the use of Ember.set() would throw an error (a desirable behavior for development builds). This runtime flag has been changed to a standard build-time feature flag named mandatory-setter, allowing it to be removed from production builds entirely.

Ember.js 1.9 beta

As with any minor release of Ember.js, the current canary branch is forked to become the next beta. This ensures a constant graduation of features and improvements for release. Builds of beta are made available every week for six weeks, then promoted to release.

In Ember.js 1.9 several new features and changes will be introduced.

  • "Streams" are a new Ember.js internal that replace bindings at the lowest level of the Ember rendering pipeline. They greatly simplify the implementation of template helpers and are yet another important step toward the landing of HTMLBars.
  • Handlebars 2.0 will be required for Ember.js 1.9. See this summary of the transition for more details.
  • Further performance improvements and bugfixes.
